Using the Bible

We want to see students who:

  • Have got into the habit of reading through the whole Bible in a systematic way, book by book.
  • Have discovered the basic storyline of God’s reconciling mission towards His whole creation.
  • Have developed a Christian world-view, learning how to “read” their world through the biblical story – and particularly, the four foundations of creation, fall, redemption and final salvation.
  • Have learnt to appreciate the different kinds of literature in the Bible (with the help of books such as How to Read the Bible for all its Worth by Gordon Fee & Douglas Stuart) and to read a biblical passage in its historical and literary context.
  • Have cultivated the habit of reading a passage every day and meditating in it.
  • Have learnt to bring questions to the Bible from their life-world and to open up their life-world to the questions that the Bible puts to them.
  • Have the ability to conduct a group Bible study and also to listen to a study or sermon with discernment.
  • Have a life-long hunger whenever they open the Bible or hear it expounded, leading to a deeper study of the Bible, using commentaries and other books etc.
  • Have committed themselves to reading one serious Christian book a month, especially one that helps them understand the Bible and relate Biblical teaching to their contemporary world.
  • Have both the desire and ability to pass on to others what they have learned in all of the above.