Rolling back the Sea

September 16th, 2009 by yohan abeynaike

1Watching the pristine beauty of the Mt. Lavinia coastline, one cannot help being moved. Many are drawn to its natural beauty. It is not an uncommon sight to see men, women and children of all ages seated on the beach taking in the spectacle of the sunset and the myriad of colours. The tranquil scene brings a sense of peace leaving you refreshed and captivated. However, the sea hides a dark secret. Many who fail to see its danger find themselves sucked into its depths. A lone red flag on the beach stands as a warning lest one gets too caught up in its enchanting beauty.

The term ‘sea’ in the bible holds a symbolic meaning. It is used as a picture of godlessness, the restless opposition to God’s moral order. The powerful sea monster, Leviathan (Job 41), agitates against God before it is finally slain by the Lord (Is. 27:1). The Beast in the book of Revelation (Rev 13:1) comes out of the sea to yield his chaotic power and the alluring Prostitute Babylon is seated on the waters (17:1). It is no wonder then that when God comes in glory to establish his kingdom there will no longer be any sea (Rev 21:1). All opposition is crushed and his moral order prevails.

Two contrasting legal cases generated much discussion recently. The pharmaceutical giant Pfizer agreed to pay a settlement fee of $2.3 billion for improperly and illegally marketing its painkiller Bextra, which has been withdrawn. This was the largest health care fraud settlement and the largest criminal fine of any kind ever. The second judgment was in the J.S. Tissainayagam trial where the accused was sentenced to 20 years rigorous imprisonment under the dreaded Prevention of Terrorism Act. Many feel that the award winning journalist was unjustly accused while others have questioned the severity of the sentence.

The two cases show to what lengths the powerful go to to cover up their actions. The perceived security in their power and connections however are only temporary just like the raging waves of the sea meekly tapering off when it reaches the coastline. One day everyone whether individuals, organizations or governments, will have their actions revealed and called into account. As we wait for this reality we need to ask ourselves whether we are sensitive to the injustices committed around us whether in our governments, communities, workplaces or homes. Similarly are we willing to stand with the victims of injustice and oppression even if it costs us our security? It is easy to get discouraged and helpless when the cry for justice seemingly falls on deaf ears. The assured hope that one day Jesus will put right the miscarriages of justice should encourage us. The sea will be rolled back. Amen, come Lord Jesus, come.

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