Visit to Eastern University (September 2015)

September 28th, 2015 by yohan abeynaike


Y. Paheerathan and Menura Perera from FOCUS visited the Eastern University and conducted a teaching programme with some of the members of the Christian fellowship there. Despite the students being in the middle of exams they came and participated in the activities as they discussed various aspects of leadership.

Entry Filed under: Announcements

1 Comment Add your own

  • 1. Barnabas Gudeta  |  October 3rd, 2015 at 3:25 pm

    Hello my dear brothers and sisters.even if we are living on this world in diffirent continents we are one by blood of Christ our Savior Today am so glad to type this message for you which Paul have said we christians should pass through different tribulation to get God’s kingdom The reason for what I said this is be strong to preach the word of Gospel to all nation. Be blessed throughout your life time. If it is the will of God I like to work with You. I am from Africa, my country is Ethiopian. I am studying Civil Engineering at Haramaya University.(5th year)

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