Communicating the Good News

We want to see students who:

  • Are passionate about Jesus, their imagination seized by his life, teaching, cross and resurrection.
  • Understand the Good News not in terms of some private, individualistic “religious experience”, but as the breaking-in of God’s liberating and transforming rule into all of life through Jesus.
  • Are gratefully seeking to live out the Good News in every area of their lives, confessing Jesus’ Lordship with their lifestyle as well as with their words.
  • Think seriously about the relevance of the Good News for their academic studies and issues within their studies.
  • Have learned to explain the Good News clearly and intelligently in their own words.
  • Have friendships with people who are not Christians, and care for them unconditionally.
  • Have learned to listen well- to listen to the questions, concerns and issues that non-Christians are preoccupied with, and then to raise meaningful questions within others’ world-views that point them to Christ.
  • Have the confidence to share their deepest convictions/beliefs with others, and to do so with both humility and boldness.
  • Allow non-Christians to challenge their Christian faith and lifestyle, and so are growing in their understanding and obedience to Jesus through the experience of genuine dialogue with others.
  • Share their understanding of the Good News within the local churches and so influence the latter’s approach to evangelism.